A group exhibition for the triduum of Halloween, All Saints Day and All Souls Day
Curated by Kate Street & Rhys Trussler
Private View: Thurs 31st October 5 – 8pm
Open: Fri 1st, Sat 2nd and Sun 3rd Nov 11am – 4pm
‘I shall go into a hare,
With sorrow and sych and meickle care;
And I shall go in the Devil’s name,
Ay while I come home again.’
Isobel Gowdie– 15thcentury self-proclaimed witch
To celebrate the triduum that encompasses Halloween, All Saints Day and All Souls Day, Allhallowtidebrings together a group of fourteen artists who dabble with, and make reference to, the occult and explore rituals within their work. Over this season where the dead, including martyrs and saints are remembered, Art Space Portsmouth is hosting a fiendish gathering of practitioners, who use a variety of processes and approaches to investigate this subject.
Cecilia Bonilla @ceciliabonilla_studio
Sasha Bowles @sashabowles1
Annabel Elgar @annabelelgarphotography
Fiona Finnegan @fionafinnegan
Patrick Galway @patrick_galway
Carrie Grainger @carriegraingerart
Russell Herron @russell_herron_art
Thomas Hylander @thomas_hylander
Dean Melbourne @deanmelbourneartist
Sarah Sparkes @thesarahsparkes
Kate Street @streetkerridge
Danny Treacy @dannytreacyuk
Rhys Trussler @rhystrussler
Paul Vivian @paulvivianstudio