Jeannie Driver


Jeannie Driver creates conceptual drawings on paper and wall installations created from paper. Through this interplay Jeannie crafts a narrative that is both quietly contemplative and boldly physical, presenting a unique exploration of space, time, and materiality.

In the realm of contemporary art, drawing has continually evolved, embodying intricate narratives and profound conceptual frameworks.  At the heart of her latest series, "Defined Configurations" lies the intricate dance of repetition and process, a theme that Jeannie skilfully interweaves throughout her process. By adopting iterative techniques and layering material and paper lines, she establishes a dialogue between the tangible act of drawing and the conceptual realm of spatial installations. This method is not chosen at random but is deeply emblematic of the collection's core philosophy. It reflects on notions of growth and metamorphosis, self and space, ideas that resonated with Jeannie's artistic contemplations during her European travels.

Each drawing on paper also becomes a potential phase for a transitory wall installation, inviting viewers into a world where the boundaries of art drawing are both questioned and expanded.

Driver is Inspired by the drawings and ethos of Sol Le Witt  of Legia Clark’s Bicho’s works, this interest in sequence, repetition and reimagined possibilities permeates her work and is evident in both the utilitarian materials and processes employed.

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